All good things emanate a certain idleness, they are like cows resting on a pasture. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Welcome to Frühstückstreff

This website provides information and relevant links about the international Frühstückstreff network of friends. We are a non-religious, non-political group of people. We’re not a club, and there is no admission fee. Frühstückstreff is a forum for young people, and the young at heart, of any nationality and heritage. We are fascinating women and men interested in meeting new people and becoming friends.

The Vision

To enjoy breakfast and stimulating conversations with gentle people, regardless of which city you are currently in.

The Motivation

The founders of the Frühstückstreff breakfast club were not really inspired by the empty refrigerator at their shared apartment, but it might just have happened that way ...

If your fridge looks as organized as this on a weekend, if you travel a lot in your line of work, if you’re new in town, or if you just want to expand your circle of friends, check the internet and find the Frühstücktreff nearest you -

The Guests

The people attending Frühstücktreff breakfast meetings are young, and young at heart, women and men who enjoy meeting other fascinating people for breakfast and interesting conversations.

Free of Charge

Frühstückstreff is available free of charge, you only you pay what you eat and drink. When we visit museums or attend cultural events, everyone pays their own admission fee or we divide the cost evenly among the participants.

The Locations

The regional Frühstücktreff organizers prefer cafés, delis and restaurants with a pleasant interior, friendly waiters and waitresses who spoil us with a tasty and competitively priced breakfast or brunch. If 20 to 70 Frühstückstreff attendees are served well at a particular café, deli or restaurant, we are sure to return.

In the Media

Daily and weekly newspapers, lifestyle magazines, radio and television stations like to report about our activities, and you will find a list of relevant publications under Media Coverage. There are a good number of articles we do not find out about until a Frühstückstreff attendee tells us. If you’ve seen us mentioned in your local news, please tell us about it so that we may read the article as well.

The Team

Frühstückstreff is not a club, we are a network of friends. Many of us attended a Frühstückstreff breakfast meeting somewhere and we liked the idea so much that we got involved in organizing events. One of us will be present at every Frühstückstreff meeting and welcome the other guests.

Enjoy Frühstückstreff in your city

Redaktion Frühstückstreff

Klaus Schultheis (0 61 51) 59 42 12

PS: If there isn’t a Frühstückstreff in your area yet, start one.
We’ll show you how it works and assist you with it.